Thursday, June 27, 2019

Ready? Ready!

I had a thousand ideas on how I wanted my first post to appear. I wanted to make sure that I published my new favorite knit project that I posted on Instagram Cassi When She Glows, a beautiful ROYGBIV legwarmer/foot wrap now referred to as yoga socks. These are a gift for my dearest friend and burlesque showgirl, Coco Rose. I wanted to give a proper introduction of who I am and how I got here. So much has happened between the planning and concept phase of this blog that I just laughed at how the world turns and decided to show and then share all of that.
Briefly though, as for me- being entertaining is second nature. I enjoy engaging people, getting them to open up, laugh a bit, and usually feeling better after spending time with me.
This is different. There is no one to riff off of, no back and forth banter, no energy/emotional exchange. It's just me making sure that I am not subconsciously asking myself if I am enough.
Without taking much time being long winded as I am known for on my family, here is the free pattern for the happy, hand knit yoga socks Cassi When She Glows. 

Please leave comments, reviews and share your project's progress. These will also be listed on Ravelry❤️ as soon as I work out the details. 

I wish you happy knitting!


  1. I love the socks, they are magnificent. It's a good thing I am reformed.

  2. These are amazing... I don't do yoga but these socks make me want to learn just so I have an excuse to make them :D

    1. Just wear them and look like you do, that is why I wear work out pants. I "feel" accomplished in them. lol


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  I don't know how I made it to 2023, but look at me- still alive and confused. I am sitting here surrounded by yarn and Christmas decor...