Monday, November 9, 2020


Project density, yarn usage, & shaping are the differences between fair isle and double knitting. 

I have a preference for double knitting because it removed the issue of pulling and bunching that you get from fair isle and even intarsia. 

I also like to use it as a cover for a secret pocket (this excites me a whole lot) because the seams are hidden behind the image. It is best to add the pocket before double knitting so your design yarn covers the seam. 




Monday, September 28, 2020

Filed Under: Scissor Happy Shenanigans

You're probably wondering how I got here and to be honest, I'm not quite sure. I'm thinking hubris, but I'm gonna go with red wine and stick the landing on that one. 

Here goes: picture it my knitting corner , 2020. I'm in the home stretch of a project that I'm still not sure I want to publish. I'm adding toggles. There's a lot of toggles because I don't want the cold to creep in, but maybe too many toggles. Its starting to look like a Steve Harvey jacket. I realize I'm overthinking oblong wooden buttons and I take a sip of cabernet sauvignon. I'm pleased with myself for no good reason as I half progress after applying 6 of these bad boys and 2 *ahem glasses (don't ask about the size of the glass, just move along) of wine. 

They aren't aligned. The blasted buttoned have the stripes askew. I'd call myself the daughter of a cockeyed sailor, but I don't think my father would find it funny. I would and I get my sense of humor split between two parents that consistently find the wrong things funny. 

I don't even have additional photos for the shame gallery; but I removed 4 of the 6 toggles and made 3 holes. 3.

The hole pictured is the most spectacular for being cut at every row. I fail at the top, what can I say?! 

I'm off to fix this because its fall walking weather and I want Bébé to be able to wear it while his wrists are still hidden in the sleeves. 

Let's laugh about it sooner than later. 

Monday, September 7, 2020


[Caption reads: Nicky Epstein taught me in 1 image, in this book that knitting wasn't an arduous task. Everything came into focus and became fun.] 

This single image from Nicky Epstein's 2008 book, "Knitting on Top of the World" changed my life. Sweater making was instantly made easy (but time consuming in fingering weight) and so were all other articles of clothing. 

A rectangle becomes a tube, which becomes a sleeve. This simple logic made everything come into focus. I could not just imagine skirts and sweaters, but also pants and shorts. 

I hope this visual helps you on your journey. There are so many pearls of wisdom in this book. Many methods to strengthen your skill set and spark your imagination as to what else can become possible. 


Tuesday, July 7, 2020


I often share knitting tips on Tuesday on Instagram, and I realized it was crazy not to do it in my own space. 
Silly goose that I am. 

Is there anything better than finding the right finishing touches to a project? For me project embellishments are approached the same way as buying fiber. The moment I determine that I like what I see, I can see how it can be used. The only problem after that is using the leftovers from the projects. Lol 

How do you feel about embellishments? Do they seem like too much to you? 

Sunday, May 17, 2020


I am really on my Joan Rivers and wondering, "can we talk"? 

This isolation isn't going the way I thought and I am sorely disillusioned with myself. (insert nervous, yet panicky laughter) 
Being an introvert/fake extrovert, I thought I would be deep in my element without the whole world calling out to me. I thought I would be able to breeze through the patterns, projects, and sketches sitting in my head. I thought a whole lot of wrong things like it was the right thing to do

It turns out that my inside world calls louder than the outside world. I have cut grass, pulled up old flooring, scraped wallpaper & paint, rearranged furniture, closed off fireplaces, stared into space, yelled, "go get in the shower, boy- you smell like cheese" and most pathetically, i started buying fabric and accessories to sew masks to fit my face as well as masks for Bebe that won't irritate his skin. I haven't gotten as far as one complete mask.  

I get easily distracted by the flowers I recently bought and what color to paint the library, bathroom, and where I can find a 6'/180cm circular map rug for Bebe's study area. I have a 2019 fall walking coat resting uneasily next to me and a belated Mother's Day present waiting for me to begin. 

In acknowledging how I've failed, I am going to do what I do best: MAKE LISTS of what I need to do with a timeline for accomplishments. I am going to Action Item my life. 

Wish me luck. 


Friday, April 10, 2020


In the free patterns I've posted, I wonder if the pattern template is too much or just enough (story of my life). The first pattern I ever posted was a pair of leg warmers for dancers called, "Cassi When She Glows" (yes, there is a song and a dance that go with this that only 2 people have EVER seen) and people received it kindly. 

I want to include valuable information, but I especially want to consider page length for my pattern printers (me, I am pattern printers). 

Take a gander at my proffred patterns and tell me is it too much or just enough. I welcome feedback and I am accessible on all platforms except Tik Tok, SnapChat, and iPhone apps. I'm old and it's too much downloading. 

I want these patterns to be effective and especially useful, but not a burden. I might be rambling as a result of being awake for many, many hours- but what even is time anymore? Its daylight and I want to get busy, but I should probably sleep. Its a beautiful, overcast morning. 
#NowPlaying Suho Made In You

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

This New Reality

Y'all (you know I'm southern, right?), so you hear "this is not the business" with a drawl and a twang.  I haven't gained weight but my hips hurt like I'm sitting in a too snug seat. It brings back painful memories of sitting with Genghis at his little table, too much booty for bucket seats, but it makes him happy. 

I hope that going back to classical ballet will help with the shifting sand that has settled at my bottom. I'll never understand what I need to do to shift that sand upstairs where it once was... Oh well. No one said the other side of 40 was fun. 

Bébé and I are in a space where time means nothing. Its 5 a.m and we are staring at each other wondering who will fall asleep first. My martini says it won't be me, he is looking too bright eyed, but I'm not going to argue with Russian vodka. 

I'm battling the need to "keep busy". I'm still knitting and working on patterns, but working more on myself and this wierd need to present things in a preset palatable manner as opposed to the rigidity that is me. *The universe is not done with me yet. 

I want to know how you are spending your time. What do you do now that the days all run together. How are you adapting to this world that has slowed down in some areas, sped upon others, as the words EXISTENTIAL CRISIS keep appearing in the news. 

#NowPlaying Keshi Bandaids

We Have Hopes and Plans

  I don't know how I made it to 2023, but look at me- still alive and confused. I am sitting here surrounded by yarn and Christmas decor...