Sunday, October 6, 2019

Sunday Updates

It has been a stellar Sunday. The music has flowed betweenew jazz and chaotic k-pop, finishing up with 
French hip-hop. I have completed a swatch for the Bluebells and Honeycomb sweater that is changing shape 
in my mind, should it be baggy and comfy or structured and fitted? It has been interesting removing the 
pressure to produce and perform. Admittedly, this is the core of being successful- maintaining momentum 
and meeting the demands of market trends and definitely getting ahead of them. I had to catch myself 
because doing that is the surest way to lose myself. 

I gave the rest of my world my attention. The weather has shifted from wonderfully hot to unyieldingly 

scorching, and now it is beautiful, cool, and predictably autumn. I sit at my desk and work on sizing and 
dimensions with the windows open as it prepares to rain for the first time in over a month. I've befriended
 a spider that has been around since late Spring. Her name is Shelob, and she has laid 3 egg sacs already. 

She lets me know ahead of time when a storm is coming because she moves to a spot where the wind and 
rain cannot touch her. She stays usually in broad daylight and keeps me company when I'm gardening or 
just watching the natural world move. I do not feel bad or ashamed anymore for stepping away from 
knitting after our conversations

Being able to breathe while loving something is natural and invites longevity to your passion. 

Sitting in accessible spaces also lets those around me know that they have my attention. What you never 
want to do is disturb a knitter's stitch count. Without having to worry about knitting, I can breathe a bit 

As it stands, I am super stoked about this project. I love pairing daring yarns with a natural backdrop- now. 

For the longest, I avoided variegated yarns because they were so unpredictable. I was not a fan of surprises 
of this sort. I've loosened up since then. Pooling does not frighten me anymore. lol This project 
places The Spunky Sheep in the starring role. It is exciting what is to come and I cannot wait to
share the finished product. 


Today has been a good day. 
#nowplaying Oxmo Puccino- Le mal que je n’ai pas fait 

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