Thanksgiving, The
New Life
This holiday looks
nothing like what was celebrated as a child. The number at the dinner table has
decreased significantly as my siblings have stretched out all over the country and my
father's side no longer gathers at our table. My mother, being the baby of the
bunch never has to host. lol This year, my son's family kept it quiet, low key,
and with my Genghis being a real puberty monster, I did not want him to feel
bad about being overwhelmed around people he loves and misses.
Holiday visits are
now a choose your best availability and go from there; no more back and forth
about making sure we all get together. As a result, I can sleep in and not
stress about food prep, quantity, and post consumption clean up. Dinner around
here to a vegetable stir fry, deep fried catfish, baked spaghetti, and a pie-
preferably sweet potato but if my sinuses have been gentle with me (and they
haven't this year) a buttermilk pie. Being newly recovered, I’m looking at
matsutaki soup and a skirt steak with sweet potato chips and seaweed crisps to
snack on with Stoli (I had to add that to the Windows dictionary) vodka.
Since I'm not big on
the new American tradition of post holiday shopping, I assumed that I could get
more rest. The reality is that if I want to be taken seriously as a designer
and provider of patterns then I have to sit on the other side of the retail experience.
I wanted to dive right in and hope for the best, but I didn't want to be
massively embarrassed so I sat my presumptuous ass down and researched. My
hubris won't get the best of me this time. I learned that yarn buying does
better during the post Thanksgiving experience and specifically indie brand
cult classics and major label with major sales. After the winter holiday season
(did you know there were over 20 holidays celebrated during December?), people
are ready to spend experimentally with gift cards they've received (I’m not
there yet but it is coming) and looking to recover from the holidays with fiber
therapy (have we coined that term for regular usage yet?), that is the best
time for pattern makers to strike with a combo punch. This does not discount
from those that buy patterns, but I have found that the biggest pattern
purchases (See Me This Week) come after the yarn is in hand.
So, I don't feel as
bad as when I compared myself to artists in different fields that put beautiful
art out on a monthly basis. My contributions exist in their own realm of beauty
and should be respected as it stands and not diminished by comparison. Thank
you to every one reading these missives. To quote that great philosopher,
Kendrick Lamar, "We gonn' be alright".
Colde Crumbling (오르르)
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