Friday, April 10, 2020


In the free patterns I've posted, I wonder if the pattern template is too much or just enough (story of my life). The first pattern I ever posted was a pair of leg warmers for dancers called, "Cassi When She Glows" (yes, there is a song and a dance that go with this that only 2 people have EVER seen) and people received it kindly. 

I want to include valuable information, but I especially want to consider page length for my pattern printers (me, I am pattern printers). 

Take a gander at my proffred patterns and tell me is it too much or just enough. I welcome feedback and I am accessible on all platforms except Tik Tok, SnapChat, and iPhone apps. I'm old and it's too much downloading. 

I want these patterns to be effective and especially useful, but not a burden. I might be rambling as a result of being awake for many, many hours- but what even is time anymore? Its daylight and I want to get busy, but I should probably sleep. Its a beautiful, overcast morning. 
#NowPlaying Suho Made In You

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